Black tea is among the most widely enjoyed teas in the world. Originating in China in the 17th century, black tea spread rapidly throughout the world and found great acceptance in the West.
Black tea is among the most widely enjoyed teas in the world. Originating in China in the 17th century, black tea spread rapidly throughout the world and found great acceptance in the West.
Fruit teas are made from natural unprocessed fruits blended with Black Tea Leaves & Herbal Flower petals . They are naturally sweet but do not have the overpowering sweetness of sugar.
Green tea has been enjoyed since ancient times in China (the origin of tea) and Japan, where it is most frequently drunk. Green tea has also gained in popularity among Europeans and Americans in recent years for its health-giving properties.
Green Tea is 'unoxidised' tea. The leaves are heated soon after picking in order to destroy the enzymes that cause oxidation. This type of processing preserves a high level of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals accounting for the various health benefits of green tea.
Oolong tea is a Chinese tea positioned between green tea and black tea. It has a sophisticated flavour derived from complex production methods. Many types of oolong tea with long histories have been passed down by Buddhist priests due to their outstanding effectiveness.
Pu-erh is a variety of aged dark tea produced in Yunan province, China. Fermentation is tea production style in which the tea leaves undergo microbial fermentation and oxidation after they are dried and rolled.
White teas are appreciated by tea connoisseurs for their unmatched subtlety, complexity, natural sweetness, and delicacy. Least processed (steamed and dried) of all tea types.
Green tea is ubiquitous in Japan and is commonly known simply as "tea" (お茶 ocha). Tea was first grown in China, and was brought to Japan by Myoan Eisai, a Japanese Buddhist priest who also introduced the Rinzai school of Zen Buddhism.